Accessibility is usually understood only as a step-free possibility of moving forward. However, accessibility means more. Accessibility also means guidance, signage, lighting, hearing aids, announcements; independent use of the internet etc. for people with physical disabilities, hearing impairment, impaired vision etc. (see Equal Opportunities for People with Disabilities Act - Behindertengleichstellungsgesetz).
TU Dresden pays attention to comprehensive accessibility of disabled people in all its construction activities. For example, TU Dresden's website is barrier-free. The Campus Navigator is a comfortable guiding system, in which data relevant to disabled people is incorporated. It is more difficult to achieve accessibility for the numerous old buildings. However, at TU Dresden, a number of new buildings has been constructed, which from the outset have been planned and built in order to comply with standard DIN 19040 and the Saxon Building Code (Verwaltungsvorschrift des Sächsischen Staatsministeriums des Innern zur Sächsischen Bauordnung - VwVSächsBO). In addition, there are many buildings dating back to the 1900s, which are listed as historical monuments. Gradually but always very sensitively, they are being reconstructed and adapted to the needs of people with disabilities. However, great efforts will still be necessary in the coming years to reduce all spatial barriers.
The Representative of the Disabled is involved in all construction measures. Therefore, we can also support your proposals for structural changes, like for example for barrier-free entrances, lifts, accessible toilets and others. Contact us!