M. Sedlmayr Lab: Medical Informatics
Participatory decision-making, personalised medicine, demographic change, digitalisation and many more buzzwords describe the challenges that the health care system is facing through ever new procedures and technologies. In this context, IT systems that accompany their users and provide situational support, for example by automatically collecting, providing and evaluating data, as well as visualising it, are becoming increasingly important.
As a result, medical informatics is also undergoing a change, moving away from the more classic topics of hospital IT towards digital ecosystems, which include aspects of data development (e.g. from clinical systems and new intersectoral infrastructures), data integration (syntactic and semantic) and data harmonisation (transfer to standard terminologies such as SNOMED-CT, LOINC). On this basis, the computer-assisted evaluation (Big Data and machine learning methods) and the final presentation (e.g. as interactive dashboards or multi-omics networks) of the data take place. In this context, an interdisciplinary overlap between core informatics, medical informatics and bioinformatics, but also medical technology, systems medicine and other disciplines can increasingly be observed in view of the complexity and diversity of the solution approaches used. Consequently, the focus of the Chair of Medical Informatics is on the development of such an ecosystem for medical research and care.
Research areas
Process and decision support
Establishment of a data integration center
Big Data infrastructures for clinical care and research
Integration of clinical with non-clinical data and services; eHealth, mHealth
The chair consists of three central research areas:
- Research area Interoperability
- Research area Data Science
- Research area Usability & Technology Acceptance
with thematically overlapping application focuses:
- OHDSI Germany
- Rare diseases
- Personalised oncology
- Machine learning
- User-centred design
current projects:
ACRIBIS — Advancing Cardiovascular Risk Identification with Structured Clinical Documentation and Biosignal Derived Phenotypes Synthesis (BMBF)
DigiONE — Digital Infrastructure for Oncology in Europe (EU)
EyeMatics — „Behandlung“ von Augenerkrankungen mit interoperabler medizinischer Informatik (BMBF)
FAIR4Rare — Begleitende Evaluation des Aufbauprozesses eines offenen Nationalen Registers für Seltene Erkrankungen (Innovationsausschuss beim Gemeinsamen Bundesausschuss)
GeMTeX — Automatische Erschließung medizinischer Texte für die Forschung und Entwicklung einer großen Textsammlung deutschsprachiger, medizinischer Texte aus der Patientenversorgung (BMBF)
- INTERPOLAR — Reduktion arzneimittelbezogener Schäden für Arzneimittel-Sicherheit (Medizininformatik-Initiative, BMBF)
- MiHUBx — ein digitales Ökosystem zur Stärkung von medizinischer Forschung (BMBF)
- MII-MIRACUM — Arbeitsgemeinschaften des Nationalen Steuerungsgremiums (Medizininformatik-Initiative, BMBF)
- PM4Onco — Personalized Medicine for Oncology (BMBF)
- RISK PRINCIPE — RISK Prediction for Risk-stratified INfection Control and PrEvention (BMBF)
- SATURN — Smartes Arztportal für Betroffene mit unklarer Erkrankung (BMG)
SCaDS.AI — "Center for Scalable Data Analytics and Artificial Intelligence" (BMBF)
Somnolink — Connected sleep data and decision support along the patient path for better care of Obstructive Sleep Apnea (BMBF)
SPIZ — Sektorenübergreifende Versorgung von Patient*innen mit hämatologischen Erkrankungen nach innovativer Zelltherapie (Mittel des Innovationsausschusses beim Gemeinsamen Bundesausschuss)
finished projects:
- ABIDE_MI — "Aligning Biobanking and DIC Efficiently"
- BIDA-SE - Einsatzmöglichkeiten und klinischer Nutzen von Big Data Anwendungen im Kontext seltener Erkrankungen (BMG)
- CORD-MI — „Zusammenarbeit für Menschen mit Seltenen Erkrankungen“ (Medizininformatik-Initiative, BMBF)
- DISPENSE - Dresdner InformationS Prognosetool bEttenauslastung iN SachsEn (Freistaat Sachsen)
- Hybrid-QI — Hybride Qualitätsindikatoren mittels Machine Learning-Methoden (Mittel des Innovationsausschusses beim Gemeinsamen Bundesausschuss)
- MEDiC —Modellstudiengang Medizin (Bund, Freistaat Sachsen)
- MIRACUM (Medizininformatik-Initiative, BMBF)
- PANOS – ParkinsonNetzwerk Ostsachsen - Digitalisierte, sektorübergreifende integrierte Versorgung von Parkinsonpatienten in Ostsachsen (BMG)
- PROSPER — Plattform for Operation Scheduling and Prediction using machine learning (Freistaat Sachsen)
- Teleschlafmedizin (EFRE)
- VBTKR - Value Based Total Knee Replacement (Mittel des Innovationsfonds zur Förderung von Versorgungsforschung, G-BA)
Group Leader

Chair of Medical Informatics
NameMr Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Martin Sedlmayr
Deputy Institute Director
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Members of the research group

Research fellow
NameMs Najia Ahmadi M.Sc.
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Project manager
NameMs Anne-Katrin Andreeff
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Research fellow
NameMs Sara Bäcker M.Sc.
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Research fellow
NameMr Dipl.-Inf. Franz Ehrlich
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Research fellow
NameMr Richard Gebler M.Sc.
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Research fellow
NameMr Dipl.-Ing. Christian Gierschner
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Research fellow
NameMs Caroline Glathe M.A.
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Research fellow
NameMs Dr.-Ing. Miriam Goldammer
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Research fellow
NameMr Dipl.-Inf. Mirko Gruhl
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Research fellow
NameMs Sophia Grummt M.Sc.
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Research fellow (external: SCADS.AI)
NameMr Waldemar Hahn M.Sc.
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Research fellow
NameMs Elisa Henke M.Sc.
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Research fellow
NameMr Clemens Hentrich M.Sc.
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Research fellow
NameMr Dipl.-Ing. Sepp Höhne
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Research fellow
NameMs Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Katja Hoffmann
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Project manager
NameMs Karolin Pauline Hofmann M.Sc.
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Project manager
NameMs Ninette Jänich M.A.
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application programmer & web developer
NameMs Anne Pelz M.Sc.
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Research fellow
NameMs Yuan Peng M.Sc.
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Research fellow
NameMs Eveline Prochaska M.Sc.
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Research fellow
NameMs Anne Seim M.A.
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NameMs Nicole Stephan
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Research fellow
NameMr Jakob Thiel MPH
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Research fellow
NameMr Jens Weidner MPH
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Research fellow
NameMr Dr.-Ing. Markus Wolfien
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Research fellow
NameMs Dipl.-Wi.-Inf. Michéle Zoch
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Former staff members

Research fellow
NameMs Dr. rer. nat. Franziska Bathelt
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Research fellow
NameMr Christian Kamann
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Research fellow
NameMr Dr. med. Andreas Kühn
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Research fellow
NameMr Martin Lehmann B.Sc.
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Research fellow
NameMr Dirk Müller M.Sc.
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Research fellow
NameMs Azadeh Nassirian
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Research fellow
NameMr Igor Nesterow M.Sc.
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Research fellow
NameMr Frank Penesch M.A.
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Ph.D. student
NameMs Ines Reinecke M.Sc.
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