Center for Molecular and Cellular Bioengineering (CMCB)
Studiengänge im Überblick
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Prof. Konstantinos Anastassiadis
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Für eine Beratung zu fachspezifischen Fragen können Sie sich immer - unabhängig von der heutigen Veranstaltung - an unsere Studienfachberatung wenden:
Prof. Dr. Michael Schlierf
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Für eine Beratung zu fachspezifischen Fragen können Sie sich immer - unabhängig von der heutigen Veranstaltung - an unsere Studienfachberatung wenden:
Prof. Marius Ader
Neugierig geworden? Noch mehr Infos zum Studiengang im Studieninformationssystem (SINS)
13 Uhr – Vorstellung der 3 Masterstudiengänge des Center for Molecular and Cellular Bioengineering
Der Studiendekan, das Studienbüro und der Fachschaftsrat des CMCB stellen die drei englischsprachigen Masterstudiengänge »Molecular Bioengineering«, »Physics of Life« und »Regenerative Biology and Medicine« vor.
Vortragssprache: Englisch
Vorstellung des CMCB
Das CMCB konzentriert sich als Zentrale Wissenschaftliche Einrichtung der TU Dresden auf interdisziplinäre Forschung und Lehre im Bereich der Lebenswissenschaften. Es vereint unter seinem Dach die Institute B CUBE, BIOTEC und CRTD und ist sowohl mit den Fakultäten der TU Dresden als auch mit externen Forschungsinstituten eng vernetzt. Ziel des CMCB ist es, Synergien zwischen diesen Einrichtungen zu schaffen, um die international ausgerichtete Spitzenforschung und das innovative Lehrprogramm weiter zu stärken. Dem Campus der TU Dresden sowie den Partner:innen der Allianz DRESDEN-concept werden modernste Forschungseinrichtungen und -technologien über die CMCB Technologieplattform zur Verfügung gestellt. Neue Erkenntnisse werden hier für eine mögliche kommerzielle Nutzung weiterentwickelt. Die CMCB-Forschungsgruppen werden durch zentrale Serviceeinheiten unterstützt, die auch als Schnittstelle zur zentralen Verwaltung der TU Dresden fungieren.
Study Life Sciences at CMCB © TUD/Biermann-Jung Kommunikation & Film
Die Absolvent:innen des CMCB sind in einer Vielzahl von Bereichen tätig. Es gibt eine hohe Quote an Absolvent:innen, die an einem Programm für Doktorierende teilnehmen (ca 80-90%). Andere arbeiten, mit und ohne Doktortitel, in Bereichen der Forschung (Wissenschaft und Industrie), in der Koordination klinischer Studien, in der Wissenschaftskommunikation, im Business Development uvm.
![A portrait photo with text. A smiling person on a black background with clustered specks in pink, purple, and green. On the right side of the photo, there is a white rectangle with a big quotation mark and text: ”The RegBioMed program has been the most rewarding experience so far in my education and scientific career. During my application, I was hoping to become a member of a well-funded and widely-known consortium of institutes dedicated to regenerative research. Nothing, however, had prepared me for the highly international and multidisciplinary environment that was revealed to me. I consider my participation in the program a considerable achievement of my scientific life. Argyro, Greece, 2017-19.”](
![A portrait photo with text. A smiling person on a black background with clustered specks in pink, purple, and green. On the right side of the photo, there is a white rectangle with a big quotation mark and text: ”This program has been an incredibly rewarding experience for me. The strengths are the practical courses and the international and multidisciplinary character. We had the opportunity to spend these last two years surrounded by fellow students and professors from all over the world, with all kinds of different backgrounds. The Master’s has tremendously enriched my professional curriculum and has provided me with wonderful personal experiences. Cristina, Spain, 2017-19.”](
![A portrait photo with text. A smiling person on a black background with clustered specks in pink, purple, and green. On the right side of the photo, there is a white rectangle with a big quotation mark and text: ”Why Dresden? The answer is simple: while the city is beautiful and life here is amazing, it was the Master’s program that brought me here. The outstanding scientific education and the heart of the program, the lab rotations, create a unique combination. This wealth of opportunities to gather practical experience in many different research areas gives students the ability to not only appeal to future employers but also develop their abilities as independent researchers, giving them a clearer perspective on their future careers. David, Austria, 2017-2019.”](
![A portrait photo with text. A smiling person on a black background with clustered specks in pink, purple, and green. On the right side of the photo, there is a white rectangle with a big quotation mark and text: ”Being accepted in this Master’s course was a dream come true. The program is one of the few in Germany that gives you the opportunity to learn about Stem Cells, Regenerative Medicine and Translational Research. The program is very international, and you will study together with incredible young scientists from all over the world. To me, the best part is the opportunity to sneak a peek at the translation of research into the clinic. It is incredibly exciting to know more about how your scientific discovery can be introduced in a clinical trial and eventually, change the life of a patient. Elena, Bulgaria, 2017-2019.”](
![A portrait photo with text. A smiling person on a black background with clustered specks in pink, purple, and green. On the right side of the photo, there is a white rectangle with a big quotation mark and text: ”The professors and colleagues in the lab are always friendly and willing to help. The internationality of the course allowed me to get to know a lot of different cultures and people from various countries. I am really happy to have the opportunity to study here. Being a part of RegBioMed program will definitely be one of the most unforgettable memories in my life. Juohan, Taiwan, 2017-19.”](
![A portrait photo with text. A smiling person on a black background with clustered specks in pink, purple, and green. On the right side of the photo, there is a white rectangle with a big quotation mark and text: ”The Master of Science in Molecular Bioengineering has an interdisciplinary approach that combines Biotechnology and Biomedicine, and Bionanotechnology. It has opened my eyes to many options that I would never have considered for my future, giving me the tools to reach them. The program is taught by an international body of professors to an international body of students which come from different scientific backgrounds, Besides adding diversity to the training, it allowed me to build a wide and varied network of contacts, and create unforgettable memories. I think this Master program can be summarized as “eye-opening” in the scientific sense, and also in the social and community aspects. It will be a huge inspiration for my future. Michelle, Italy, 2018-20.”](
© TUD/Magdalena Gonciarz
Machen Sie sich klar, was Ihre Stärken sind! Dr. Matthäus Mittasch studierte Nanobiophysics, den Vorgänger des heutigen Studiengangs Physics of Life. Heute forscht er an „small molecule drugs“ – neuartigen Medikamenten auf der Basis biomolekularer Kondensate zur Behandlung von Zivilisationskrankheiten. mehr erfahren
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