Medical Faculty "Carl Gustav Carus"
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© TUD Medizinische Fak.

© TUD Medizinische Fak.

© TUD Medizinische Fak.
Study programs at a glance
Für eine Beratung zu fachspezifischen Fragen können Sie sich immer - unabhängig von der heutigen Veranstaltung - an unsere Studienfachberatung wenden:
Dr. rer. medic. Maria Girbig
Neugierig geworden? Noch mehr Infos zum Studiengang im Studieninformationssystem (SINS)
Für eine Beratung zu fachspezifischen Fragen können Sie sich immer - unabhängig von der heutigen Veranstaltung - an unsere Studienfachberatung wenden:
Prof. Dr. Steffen Löck
Neugierig geworden? Noch mehr Infos zum Studiengang im Studieninformationssystem (SINS)
10 am – Studying Medical Radiation Sciences
Presentation of the Master's degree program followed by a Q&A session with Dean of Studies Christian Richter, coordinator Steffen Löck, clinical medical physics expert and alumna Anne Dietert and student Larissa Kilian.
Presentation language: German
10 am – Gesundheitswissenschaften/Public Health (MPH)
Presentation of the Master's degree program followed by a Q&A session with coordinator Maria Girbig and student Susanne Titze.
Presentation language: German
Presentation of the Medical Faculty Carl Gustav Carus
It is one of the youngest institutions of its kind in Germany and can certainly look back on a long tradition in medical education. The Carl Gustav Carus Medical Faculty at the TU Dresden was newly founded on October 1, 1993, on the recommendation of the Science Council. Prior to that, the Medical University of Dresden had had the right to award doctoral and post-doctoral degrees since 1954.
In addition to the establishment of excellent teaching for the training of future physicians, the focus from the beginning was also on university research. Over the decades, three essential research foci have emerged with scientific work on oncological, metabolic and neurological-psychiatric diseases.
In teaching, the Medical Faculty of the TU Dresden is committed to the work of its namesake, Carl Gustav Carus. It offers a holistic, science-, practice- and patient-oriented teaching profile. Graduates benefit from innovations such as interdisciplinary teaching, activating forms of teaching, and examination formats that are close to the workplace. The number of degree programs offered is also growing. The most recent example is the model course of study in human medicine, MEDIC for short, which started in the fall of 2020 in cooperation with Klinikum Chemnitz gGmbH. It complements the study programs Medicine, Dentistry, Public Health and Medical Radiation Sciences.
Campus tour medical student council in German © TU Dresden/FSR Medizin
Medical student Feras shows you the medical campus and tells you why he decided to study medicine at the TU Dresden (in German). © TU Dresden Medizin 2020
Link area
Studying is more than a timetable, lecture hall and books. Therefore, we have compiled a few more useful links. Whether in the lecture hall center, in the lab or in the cafeteria; soon you will know your way around here and then also find the time to discover and enjoy Dresden and its surroundings for yourself.