Department of Geo Sciences
Table of contents
Study programs at a glance
For advice on subject-specific questions, you can always - regardless of today's event - contact our student advisory service:
Frau Dr.-Ing. Eva Hauthal
Curious now? More information here
For advice on subject-specific questions, you can always - regardless of today's event - contact our student advisory service:
Frau Dipl.-Ing. Angela Wollmann
Curious now? Even more information about the study program in the Study Information System (SINS)
For advice on subject-specific questions, you can always - regardless of today's event - contact our student advisory service:
Frau Dr. Katja Lohse
Curious now? Even more information about the study program in the Study Information System (SINS)
For advice on subject-specific questions, you can always - regardless of today's event - contact our student advisory service:
Jun.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Anette Eltner
Curious now? Even more information about the study program in the Study Information System (SINS)
For advice on subject-specific questions, you can always - regardless of today's event - contact our student advisory service:
Frau Dr. Katja Lohse
Curious now? Even more information about the study program in the Study Information System (SINS)
Program for the event
11 am – Presentation of the master's programs Geodäsie and Geoinformationstechnologien
Impulse lecture by Prof. Martin Horwath, followed by an exchange with student representatives.
Presentation language: German
2 pm – Presentation of the master's program Raumentwicklung und Naturressourcenmanagement
Impulse lecture by Dr. Christopher-Bastian Roettig and following exchange with student representatives.
Presentation language: German
Video conference link (BBB)
Presentation of the Department
The Department of Geosciences is part of the Faculty of Environmental Sciences, along with the Departments of Forestry and Hydrosciences. Prospective students can start with the bachelor's degree programs in geography, geodesy and geoinformation and then continue their studies with the master's degree in geography, geodesy and geoinformation technologies and spatial development and natural resource management. In the subject of geography, students are also trained for the teaching profession at secondary schools and grammar schools. In addition, with the participation of two other universities (Munich and Vienna), there is the possibility to study and complete the International Master's program Cartography in the third semester at the department.
© TU Dresden, Fachrichtung Geowissenschaften 2021
Stella provides an in-depth look at the master's program Geodäsie.
(Video language: German)
© TU Dresden, Fachrichtung Geowissenschaften 2021
Sven and Pauline tell us why they decided to study geography for a master's degree.
(Video language: German)
Impressions of the department
Insights into our premises
One-day and multi-day field internships and excursions at the Institute of Geography, in the wider surroundings.
... and beyond:
Alumni Portrait
The right combination of subjects Math and geography were among her favorite subjects at school. "I was fascinated by the logical. I found identifying and then solving problems particularly engrossing," says Klara Töpfer, looking back with a smile. Logically enough, she decided to study geodesy. "It's a good mix of math and geoscience: It's not just about pure math; the subject is also about practical application." further information
Link area
Studying is more than a timetable, lecture hall and books. Therefore, we have compiled a few more useful links. Whether in the lecture hall center, in the lab or in the cafeteria; soon you will know your way around here and then also find the time to discover and enjoy Dresden and its surroundings for yourself.