TUD worldwide - student exchange
Table of contents
Interested in Africa, Asia or America? Seeing the world during your studies, getting to know new cultures and living and learning in a foreign environment - all this is possible with TUDworldwide! TU Dresden has cooperations with universities all over the world. Have a look around on this page and find out about the different opportunities open to you.
What does TUDworldwide have to offer and how can I finance the exchange?
- Often multidisciplinary and exchange possible at all TUD faculties
- No tuition fees at the host university
- Support in planning from TU Dresden
- Funding possible via: PROMOS, a DAAD one-year scholarship, Auslands-BAföG and many other scholarships
Where can I study?
An overview of (almost) all opportunities is available in our database Mobility Online. Details about our partner universities can be found below.
Further information on Australia
University of Technology Sydney
- Autumn session: Feb - June
- Spring session: July - Nov
- Information for exchange students
- Note:
- Minimum GPA 2,5
University of Embu
- Duration: 1 year or 1 semester (September - December, January - April)
- Detailed information about the partner university
Further information on South Africa
Stellenbosch University
- Detailed information about the partner university and conditions for exchange students
- Information on courses and good-to-know
- Semester dates:
- 1st semester/summer semester: Early January till end of June
- 2nd semester/winter semester: End of July till mid-December
- Fact Sheet
- Please note:
- Minimum GPA 2,3
Zhejiang University
- Duration: 1 year or 1 semester (September - January, March - July)
- Detailed information about the partner university + conditions for exchange students: http://iczu.zju.edu.cn/english/redir.php?catalog_id=230
- Promo Video
Funding opportunity for stays in India: Saxon Student Mobility Program
Indian Institute of Technology Madras
- Detailed information about the partner university + conditions for exchange students http://www.oir.iitm.ac.in/office-of-international-relations/
- Semester times:
fall semester (Semester 1): 3rd Week of July to 1st Week of December
spring semester (Semester 2): 2nd Week of January to 2nd Week of May
Indian Institute of Technology Mandi
- Detailed information about the partner university + conditions for exchange students: https://students.iitmandi.ac.in/international.php
- Semester times: even semester: Februar - Juni; odd semester: August - Dezember
- Courses
- Fact Sheet
- Brochure for International Students
- Please note:
- Minimum GPA: 2.0
Further information on Indonesia
Universitas Indonesia
- Information about the exchange: http://international.ui.ac.id
- Factsheet: UI-Fact-Sheet-Information-2022-23.pdf
- There are currently courses in English (06/2022) in the following faculties:
1. Faculty of Engineering (All Departments)
2. Faculty of Computer Science
3. Faculty of Law
4. Faculty of Economic and Business
5. Faculty of Psychology
6. Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (Department of Communication)
7. Faculty of Humanities (English Studies and Bahasa Indonesia Studies)
Please note:
- Minimum GPA 2,0
Please note that the Federal Foreign Office is currently advising against journeys to Israel and that we do not process student exchange applications at the moment. Israel: Reise- und Sicherheitshinweise (Teilreisewarnung Palästinensische Gebiete - Gazastreifen) - Auswärtiges Amt (auswaertiges-amt.de) (in German)
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
- Duration: 1 year or 1 semester (October - February, March - July)
- Fact Sheet
- Detailed information about the partner university + conditions for exchange students:
https://overseas.huji.ac.il/academics/international-graduate-programs/graduate-exchange-programs-at-hebrewu/ - Find more information here: https://international.huji.ac.il/info-and-marketing-materials-international-fairs
Overview of courses offered in English:
graduate: humanities and social sciences (Rothberg International School’s graduate course catalog) or upon request in other areas (HebrewU’s main catalog of courses taught in English). -
Please note:
- Minimum GPA 2,0 (graduate) / 2,3 (undergraduate)
Technion Israel Institute of Technology
- Courses offered primarily for engineering students, offer of other disciplines limited
- Duration: 1 year or 1 semester (October - February, March - July)
- Fact Sheet
- Detailed information for exchange students
- Please note:
- Minimum GPA 2,3
- basic Japanese language skills are required (A1 at the stage of application via Mobility Online)
- Further information on Japan
Kyoto University
- https://www.kyoto-u.ac.jp/en/education-campus/education_and_admissions/non-degree-programs/exchange-students
- Spring Semester: 1 April to 30 September
Fall Semester: 1 October to 31 March - after our nomination, among other things, a specialist lecturer or professor must submit a letter of recommendation to the university
- student exchange information
- Please note:
- Minimum GPA: 2.0
University of Yamanashi
- Detailed information about the partner university + conditions for exchange students: http://www.yamanashi.ac.jp/
- currently, the University of Yamanashi does not offer courses on graduate level to exchange students (December 2024)
- Guidebook https://www.yamanashi.ac.jp/en/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/guidebook_english.pdf
- Japanese language courses
- spring semester/Semester 1: March/April to September
fall semester/Semester 2: End of September to February
Keio University
- Detailed information about the partner university + conditions for exchange students: http://www.ic.keio.ac.jp/en/news/students/
- spring semester/first semester: March to July
fall semester/second semester: September to February -
Programs for exchange students: http://www.ic.keio.ac.jp/en/study/exchange/courses.html
Please note:
- Minimum GPA: 2.0
Waseda University
- Detailed information about the partner university + conditions for exchange students: https://www.waseda.jp/inst/cie/en/exchange/application (please note that there is a minimum GPA requirement for some departments!)
- After being nominated by us, in most cases a TOEFL, IELTS or TOEIC must be taken to be able to enroll at the partner university.
- Fact sheet
- Please note:
- Minimum GPA: 2.0 for some departments, mostly for undergraduates
Yokohama National University
- Detailed information about the partner university + conditions for exchange students:
General brochure 2019
JOY Programme for exchange students - Fact Sheet
- Join a TUD exchange student at YNU: https://jonasintokio.jimdofree.com/
- Please note:
- Minimum GPA: 2.7
Tohoku University
- good to very good academic performance is required
- Upon selection by us, students receive a scholarship from TUD's International Office: one-time travel allowance of 500 € + monthly scholarship of 300 € for 5 months per semester.
- Detailed information about the partner university + conditions for exchange students: https://www.tohoku.ac.jp/en/academics/exchange_programs.html and https://www.insc.tohoku.ac.jp/english/exchange/
- spring semester: April to September
fall semester: September to February
Nanyang Technological University
- Prerequisite: good to very good academic performance
- Duration: 1 year or 1 semester (August - December, January - May)
- Fact Sheet
- Detailed information about the partner university and modalities for exchange students: https://gem.ntu.edu.sg/index.cfm?FuseAction=Programs.ViewProgramAngular&id=10006
Course overview:
https://wis.ntu.edu.sg/webexe/owa/AUS_SUBJ_CONT.main_display and https://gem.ntu.edu.sg/index.cfm?FuseAction=Programs.ViewProgramAngular&id=10006 --> Coursework -
Please note:
- Minimum GPA: 2.2
Information on visa regulations and applications for South Korea can be found in the Guideline of the Visa Application Center Berlin.
Further information on South Korea
Seoul National University
- Students in the FIRST SEMESTER of their Master's program cannot apply for this exchange
- Please CAREFULLY READ the specifications in the Fact Sheet
- Semester plan: September - December, March - June
- Tips Course search
- FAQs
- further information at http://oia.snu.ac.kr/page/exchange_program.php
- Please note:
- Minimum GPA: 2.1
Pohang University of Science and Technology
- Semester plan: September - December, March - June
- Detailed information about the partner university + conditions for exchange students: http://international.postech.ac.kr/
Course overview: https://plms.postech.ac.kr/local/ubion/course/lists.php?lang=en
Information for exchange students: POSTECH exchange info
Please note:
- Minimum GPA: 2.0
Dankook University
- Semester plan: September - December, March - June
- Detailed information about the partner university + conditions for exchange students: https://www.dankook.ac.kr/web/international/38
- Overview of courses offered in English: https://incoming.dankook.ac.kr/web/incoming/courses-in-english There are no Master level courses in English.
- Fact Sheet
- Manual for online application: Online Application Guideline
Korea University
- Detailed information about the partner university + conditions for exchange students: https://gsc.korea.ac.kr/usr/exchange/exchange_program.do
- Fact Sheet
Please note:
- Minimum GPA: 2.7
Funding opportunity for stays in Taiwan: Saxon Student Mobility Program
National Taiwan University
- Detailed information about the partner university + conditions for exchange students: https://oia.ntu.edu.tw/en/internationalstudents/exchange/overview
- First (Fall) Semester: From September to December
Second (Spring) Semester: From February to June
Orientation: One week before the beginning of the semester - Fact Sheet
- Please note:
- Minimum GPA: 2.0
National Taiwan University of Science and Technology
- Detailed information about the partner university + conditions for exchange students: https://www.oia.ntust.edu.tw/files/14-1017-60776,r1017-1.php?Lang=en
- Fact Sheet
- Please note:
- Minimum GPA: 2.8
National Tsing Hua University
- Detailed information about the partner university + conditions for exchange students:
http://oga.nthu.edu.tw/web.page/detail/sn/21/lang/en - Academic Calendar:
Fall semester: from September to early January
Spring semester: from February to June
National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University
- Detailed information about the partner university + conditions for exchange students:
https://oia.nycu.edu.tw/en/short-term/incoming-exchange/ and https://oia.nycu.edu.tw/oia/en/app/artwebsite/view?module=artwebsite&id=821&serno=a277c341-8d25-4a51-8495-58d1d58bbc5d - Academic Calendar: https://www.nycu.edu.tw/calendar-en/
Fall semester: middle of September to the middle of January
Spring semester: middle of February to the middle of June - Fact Sheet
National Chung Hsing University
- Fact Sheet
- Fall semester: September – January
Spring semester: February – June - course information; courses in English in the fields of Humanities and Social Science, Science and Engineering, Agricultural and Biological Sciences, Management
- conditions for exchange students:
Further information on Thailand
Chulalongkorn University
- Duration: 1 year of 2 semesters (Fall: August to December and Spring: January to May) or 1 semester (Fall: August to December), ATTENTION: the mobility can only be started in August, the completion of a single semester in the case of spring semester is therefore not possible
- Detailed information about the partner university + conditions for exchange students: http://www.inter.chula.ac.th/ and https://www.inter.chula.ac.th/exchange/inbound/
- Overview of courses offered for exchange students
- Fact Sheet
- Please note:
- only for undergraduates
- Minimum GPA: 2.7
Sirindhorn International Institute of Technology/Thammasat University
- Duration: 1 year or 1 semester (approx. August - December, January - June)
- Detailed information about the partner university + conditions for exchange students:http://www2.siit.tu.ac.th/crd/?page_id=417
- Introduction video
- Overview of courses offered in English: All courses are offered in English at SIIT
- Fact Sheet
Further information on Vietnam
Hanoi University of Science and Technology (HUST)
- Duration: 1 year or 1 semester (August-January, January-June)
- Fact Sheet
- Poster
- Further information about the partner university: https://en.hust.edu.vn/home
- Please note:
- Minimum GPA: 2.7
Further information on Argentina
Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata (UNMdP)
- Details of the partner university and modalities for exchange students here
- 1st semester: March to July
2nd semester: August to December - Fact Sheet
- Academic offer
- Video on youtube: Somos la UNMDP
Pontíficia Universidade Católica Rio de Janeiro (PUC RIO)
- To whom: undergraduate and postgraduate
- Information for exchange students: Overview and website
- Fact Sheet
- When:
1st semester mid-February to July
2nd semester August to December -
- Knowledge of Portuguese is not a mandatory requirement, as many courses are also offered in English. However, participation in a Portuguese language course is obligatory during the stay.
- Offer in English
- Participating students have to pay an administration fee (semester fee for the use of student services). This amounts to approximately 875BRL per semester.
- Optional: gain practical and volunteer experience by volunteering in selected projects
Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP)
- Detailed information about the partner university + conditions for exchange students
https://www.international.unesp.br/ - 1st semester: February until June
2nd semester: August until December - Fact Sheet
Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC)
- Detailed information about the partner university + conditions for exchange students: https://sinter.ufsc.br/incoming/informacoes-gerais-para-intercambistas/?lang=en
- Individual courses are also offered in English, and the portfolio is constantly being expanded. Here you can get an impression of the courses offered in English!
- 1st semester: March until July
2nd semester: July until December - Fact Sheet
- Guide
Universidad de Talca
- Information for exchange students: website of the International Office
- When:
1st semester: March until July
2nd semester: August until December - Fact Sheet
Alberta University
- Detailed information about the partner university + conditions for exchange students: https://www.ualberta.ca/programs/exchange-students-incoming/incoming-exchange-application-guide
- Programs and Courses: https://www.ualberta.ca/admissions-programs/exchange-programs/incoming-exchange-application-guide/programs-and-courses/index.html
- Please, pay attention: Course Restrictions
- Admission is only possible for the Fall and Winter semester. Admission is not possible for Spring and Summer Semester. Therefore, please check the semester dates of the partner university. Possible Exchange Periods
- Fall semester: September to December
Winter Semester: January to April - Note:
- Minimum GPA 2,5
Polytechnique Montréal
- Only for engineering sciences in the higher semesters
- 2 programme lines:
- International Thematic Clusters in Engineering (ITC)
- in English
- Fall Term ONLY: End of August to end of December
- Fact Sheet and further information on the website
- Courses
- Promotional Video
- Programme d'echanges internationaux
- in French
- Automne: end of August to end of December, Hiver: beginning of January to beginning of May
- Fiche d'information and further information on the website
- Note:
- Minimum GPA 2,5
- International Thematic Clusters in Engineering (ITC)
Further information on Colombia
Universidad Nacional de Colombia
- Detailed information about the partner university + conditions for exchange students: http://www.dre.unal.edu.co/movilidad/incoming.html
- Fact Sheet
- institutional video
- 1st semester: February until June
2nd semester: August until December - Note: At least 2 years of study must have been completed at the beginning of the semester abroad.
Universidad del Rosario
- Detailed information about the partner university
- Fact sheet
- 1st semester (Spring): mid-January until End of May
2nd semester (Autumn): mid-July until End of November - Note: At least 2 years of study must have been completed at the beginning of the semester abroad.
Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey
- Detailed information about the partner university and Courses offered
- Many courses are also offered in English, but knowledge of Spanish is still obligatory, as place can not always be secured for courses in English.
- Students can only be enrolled at undergraduate level.
- Fact Sheet
- 1st Semester: January until May
2nd Semester: July until December - Mexico City General Info
University of Nevada, Reno
- To whom: undergraduate and postgraduate
- Information for exchange students: https://www.unr.edu/oiss
- Fact Sheet
- When:
Fall Semester August - December
Spring Semester January until May - Note:
- max. 15 credits / semester
- minimum GPA 2,75 undergraduate and 3,0 graduate
- at least 1 academic year must have been completed at the start of the semester abroad (min. credits to be found in the fact sheet)
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
- To whom: undergraduate and postgraduate
- Information for exchange students: https://info.rpi.edu/undergraduate-education?catcenterkey=108
- Fact Sheet
- When:
Fall Semester Late August – Late December
Spring Semester Early January – Early May - Note:
- all students receive undergraduate status at RPI
- min. 12 Rensselaer credits / semester (approx. 20-30 ECTS / semester)
- Minimum GPA 2,0
The Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art, The Albert Nerken School of Engineering
- To whom: undergraduate and postgraduate
- Information for exchange students: https://cooper.edu/engineering/global-studies/international-student-foreign-exchange-program
- When:
Fall Semester August/September – December
Spring Semester January – May - Note:
- Only for engineering sciences
- Academic calendar https://cooper.edu/about/academic-calendars
Lehigh University, Pennsylvania
- To whom: undergraduate and postgraduate
- Information for exchange students: Website for exchange students
- When: Academic Calender
- Fact sheet
- Note:
- Minimum GPA 2,7
University of Warwick
Studies only possible at undergraduate level
Detailed information on the partner university: https://warwick.ac.uk/services/studentopportunity/studentmobility/studyatwarwick/universitypartners/
Semester times:
- Autumn: September - December
- Spring: January - March - Note:
- Minimum GPA 3,0
- Availability of Academic Departments in Warwick
How do I apply?
Please read all information about the application process thoroughly.
Application deadlines for exchanges with TUDworldwide are in November of the year before your stay abroad (for Japan, Canada, USA, Australia, Africa and UK) and in January of the same year (for Latin America and Asia except JP) for a start in the winter semester or the following summer semester.
The application portal will open October 1, 2024 for spots in the 2025/26 academic year.
The application deadlines are as follows:
For partner universities in Japan, Canada, USA, Australia, Africa and UK: November 13, 2024
For all other partner institutions in Asia and Latin America: January 15, 2025
The following documents have to be uploaded in the application portal:
- Tabular curriculum vitae
- Detailed description (2 pages) of the planned study project and the study objectives (see below for tips)
- Overview of all study achievements with signature and stamp of the Examination Office
- If available, university certificates (B. A., B. Sc., intermediate examination, intermediate diploma)
- Certificate of enrollment
- Language certificates:
- No older than 2 years, according to GER: UNICERT, TU certificates or similar, test at TUDIAS e.g. possible at short notice (language test form)*, course attendance certificates are not sufficient
- English at least B2 (necessary for all countries), Spanish at least B1 (for all Spanish speaking countries), French at least B1 for Canada (only for Québec), Portuguese at least B1 (for all Brazilian partner universities except PUC-Rio), Japanese at least A1 (for all partner universities in Japan), all other national languages are optional, since English is sufficient there
- Previous stays abroad are not sufficient proof of language level. This also applies to the mother tongue.
*Both online and face-to-face tests are offered. Further information can be obtained via e-mail to
- Please read our guideline for the preparation of your application documents (CV and letter of motivation).
Please enter your data in the form on the portal and click on "Complete application". Afterwards you will receive an email with a link to upload the other required application documents.
For the creation of your application on Mobility Online you can find detailed instructions in German here.
We will inform you about the selection results 2 months after the application deadline at the latest.
If we accept your application, you will be officially nominated by us to the partner university, whereby our acceptance is always subject to the acceptance of the partner university.
After our nomination, you will prepare the documents required by the partner university for the application or enrollment in due time.
A serious application for an exchange place at one of our partner universities requires careful preparation:
The study programs offered by our various partner institutions should be selected according to their suitability for your range of subjects and your linguistic/cultural interests. If you don't want to run out of time while planning, you should calculate 1-2 months for this.
Of course, your academic achievements play a role in the allocation of places, but they are neither the exclusive nor the decisive criterion. Your application for an exchange within the framework of TUDworldwide should leave a good overall impression that reflects your academic achievements, your versatility, social competence and social commitment and extra-curricular activities (voluntary work, jobs etc.). Without a convincing presentation of your study project, an application will fail, no matter how excellent your grades are.
To ensure that your application does not fail due to self-evident reasons, please observe the following principles:
* Completeness and correctness of the documents and information
* At the beginning of your stay abroad you must have completed at least 2 semesters in the Bachelor's program or 1 semester in the Master's program.
Application information:
- When allocating the exchange places, we make sure that they are allocated as equally as possible between the degree programs participating in the application process.
- The curriculum vitae and the presentation of the study project can be written in German or English.
- Please feel free to indicate several wishes for a partner university (please remember to include your course plans for each partner university in your letter of motivation). We always try to realize the first wish. In case of a cancellation you can ask us for remaining places!
- Please make sure that you only select partner universities of TUDworldwide. For ERASMUS there is a separate announcement and another application form (ERASMUS+).
- Once the application form has been submitted in the portal, no further changes are possible.
- Only complete applications will be processed. Please take care of completeness at your own responsibility.
Some partner universities only admit Master students as graduates if they have successfully completed their first semester of study. This applies especially to the Seoul National University.
Some partner universities only accept exchange students who do not surpass a certain grade point average. These are given above in the respective country/university information.
If you have received a place at one of our partner universities, a grade report in English must be submitted to the host university. The translation at TUD is done by the Examination Office or the LSK of TUD.
Various partner universities require a TOEFL test as proof of English language ability. Due to COVID-19, modalities are currently being offered to take the test from home. The following partner universities require a TOEFL test:
America: University of Alberta (case dependent), University of Calgary, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (case dependent), The Cooper Union
Asia: Waseda University, Chulalongkorn University
- Some partner universities also request a recommendation letter (this is a professional statement from a TUD university lecturer with a doctorate. Please allow about 8 weeks for the organization of such a recommendation letter. If the partner university does not provide a form, we will send you a form template on request. The following partner universities currently request recommendation letters:
- ONE recommendation letter: TECHNION, Waseda University, Kyoto University, Keio University, Tohoku University, Seoul National University, POSTECH
- TWO recommendation letters: The Cooper Union, Universitas Indonesia, Hebrew University, Chulalongkorn University
- In individual cases, a health certificate is required for enrollment, on which the results of an HIV test, lung x-ray or eyesight may be documented. The following partner universities require a health certificate:
- The Israeli, Japanese and Russian partner universities, Dankook University and Taiwan Tech.
What do I have to do for recognition?
The principles for the recognition of study and examination results have been newly regulated by law in 2012 (§35 Abs. 9 Sächs.HSFG). Since then, there has been the requirement that achievements are to be recognized in principle as long as there is no significant difference between the work done abroad and the curricular work to be done.
The legal situation is different with regard to the transfer of grades from abroad (cf. §16 (5), sentences 2 and 3 MPO): if the grading systems are incomparable, for example because the number of grades does not match, no credit is given; in particular, no "formulas" or "tables" are used. Instead, the performances are merely marked "passed"; they (and, if applicable, the grade weights) are not included in the grade calculation.
However, the recognition of academic achievements earned abroad is not automatic. For a later recognition of the achievements you should therefore follow the steps below:
Consult your academic advisor or the examination office to clarify which content and formal requirements the course to be recognized later must meet -> clarify which documents must be submitted for recognition (course description, literature lists, etc.)
Enter the agreed course selection into the Learning Agreement and have it signed by the person responsible for recognition at the TU and the exchange coordinator at the host university.
Note: For a full academic year, 60 credits are usually required, 30 credits for a semester and 20 credits for a trimester. Depending on the university and faculty, less may also be required.
If not yet done: get the detailed course description in English from the course catalog of your host university.
Get a Transcript of Records from your host university after the exams abroad.
Apply for the recognition of your achievements abroad at your examination office or with your academic advisor.
Fill out the corresponding application (faculty specific) to the examination board and attach the Transcript of Records and the detailed course descriptions in English.
Note: Please contact your examination office or academic advisor for information on the specific procedure.
We will be happy to advise you on the subject of studying abroad in the Infocenter of the International Office.
Advice on studying abroad
NameMs Federica Serra
Infocenter/ Study abroad; TUDworldwide: America
Send encrypted email via the SecureMail portal (for TUD external users only).
Visiting address:
Fritz Foerster Bau, Office 161 Mommsenstraße 6
01069 Dresden
Postal address:
TUD Dresden University of Technology International Office
01062 Dresden
Office hours:
- Tuesday:
- 09:30 - 11:30
- 12:30 - 14:30
- Thursday:
- 09:30 - 11:30
Please register at the SCS (FOE, floor 0).
Office hours by phone:
Keine Sprechzeit am 12. Dezember 2024: wir sind beim EUTOPIA International Day. Kommen Sie uns gern besuchen! (Foyer FOE, Eingang Mommsenstraße)
Ms Carolin Schneider M.A.
TUDworldwide: Asia, Africa
Send encrypted email via the SecureMail portal (for TUD external users only).
Visiting address:
Fritz Foerster Bau, Office 156 Mommsenstraße 6
01069 Dresden
Postal address:
TUD Dresden University of Technology International Office
01062 Dresden
Office hours:
- Tuesday:
- 09:30 - 11:30
- 12:30 - 14:30
- Thursday:
- 09:30 - 11:30
Please register at the SCS (FOE, floor 0).
Always up to date: Newsletter
To make sure that you don't miss a deadline, we recommend that you register for the newsletter of the International Office.