Continuing education by target group
Table of contents
On this website you will find the TUD continuing education offers for different target groups. In the newsletter Weiterbildung@TUD, the team of the Center for Continuing Education also informs you about current trends and developments and gives you impulses for your everyday work. Newsletter registration (internal area)
Offers for members of TU Dresden
The TUD offers employees a wide range of continuing education and advisory services in the fields of professional development, health and balance as well as university and media didactics. Further information on continuing education for TU Dresden staff can be found in the login-protected internal area.
TUD supports its managers with special workshops, networking opportunities and individual advice.
Team assistants and secretariats
TU Dresden supports team assistants and secretaries with further training and coaching offers to enable them to fulfill this important communicative and organizational role at our university.
TUD offers a wide range of further training opportunities for professors in various subject areas. Professors benefit from scientifically sound and practice-oriented workshops as well as individual coaching and team coaching with external coaches. We would be happy to advise you.
Junior professors
The Center for Continuing Education offers programs to support newly appointed professors, junior and tenure-track professors at TU Dresden as they take their first steps into their manifold tasks.
Link to continuing education and advisory programs for professors
SprInt program
The SprInt program is a free continuing education program providing linguistic and intercultural qualifications for TU Dresden staff.
Link to the SprInt program
Doctoral candidates and post-docs
With its qualification program, the Graduate Academy (GA) supports early-career researchers in successfully mastering the current phase of their academic career and preparing for the next career steps in a targeted manner. The focus is on developing interdisciplinary skills and key qualifications as well as personal development. Individual advice and support programs are also offered. The program is aimed at doctoral candidates and postdocs at TU Dresden. To the qualification program of the GA
For academic personnel at TU Dresden – especially lecturers and tutors – there is a wide range of advice, further training and of support opportunities available. You will find an overview of the most important programs here:
Programs at the Center for Continuing Education
Current workshops / presentations
An overview of current programs – online, on-site or as blended learning:
Find out more
- Consultation for tutors on how to how to structure tutor lessons
- Individual teaching consultations on writing tasks in teaching provided by the Writing Center
Legal issues regarding online teaching and online examinations:
Please feel free to contact Unit 3.4 – Legal Office and Unit 8.4 – Study Programmes Affairs for consultations. Current information about study and examination regulations can be found on the Health Management website.
Center for Interdisciplinary Learning and Teaching (ZiLL)
- Consultations and continuing education on general university didactics.
- Advising on how to use digital tools in teaching.
- Additional programs and information on the ZiLL website.
- For programs offered by the Center for University Didactics (HDS) in Saxony, please visit
SprInt program
The SprInt program is a free continuing education program providing linguistic and intercultural qualifications for staff of TU Dresden.
For more continuing education opportunities, please visit TU Dresden’s SprInt program website.
TU Dresden provides qualification opportunities especially for early-career researchers (doctoral students and postdocs):
- The Graduate Academy offers qualification programs on science management, career development, academic work, leadership, communication and self-organization. To participate in these programs, you must be a confirmed member of the Graduate Academy
Find out more - The Center for Interdisciplinary Learning and Teaching provides continuing education and advisory programs on the topic of university didactics. These are recognized in the Saxon Certificate Program in Higher Education Didactics.
Find out more
For teachers and tutors at TUD, there is a wide range of further training, advice and support opportunities in the field of university and media didactics.
Students, SHK/WHK
Students at the TUD can also take advantage of special further education offers, e.g. workshops on scientific reading and writing, offers on key skills and for a successful career start as well as support for tutors.
Would you like to better understand your skills and potential so that you can set and attain realistic professional goals?
Gaining experience will increase your motivation and help you choose your focus at the university. Moreover, professional networks can ease your transition into the world of work.
TU Dresden’s Career Service accompanies you throughout your time at the university to make your career start as smooth and successful as possible.
Career Service
- Workshops on key skills and job application training
- Events for networking with potential employers
- Individual consultation
- Comprehensive information on starting your career

Career Service der TU Dresden
Send encrypted email via the SecureMail portal (for TUD external users only).
Visiting address:
Fritz-Foerster-Bau (FOE), 6. OG, Zi. 614, 617, 621 u. 623 Mommsenstraße 6
01069 Dresden
Workshopraum: 5. OG, Zi. 502 | Beratungsraum 5. OG, Zi. 623
Postal address:
TUD Dresden University of Technology
Dezernat 8
Career Service
Katharina Maier
01062 Dresden
Ready to roll up your sleeves and become a tutor? But you would still like a few tips and tricks for preparing and holding classes? The TUTORING project, based at the Center for Continuing Education, will help you to plan your (digital) tutorials or your practicals and will assist with any difficulties that may occur. Our continuing education program is designed to meet your needs by offering exciting events, answering your questions, and giving you the opportunity to grow with professional support. In addition to preparing students for their work as a tutor, the program promotes skills that will also be useful later in your career – both when applying for jobs and in your daily working life.
Learning objectives
- Refine didactics
- Get to know methods and tools
- Strengthen your skills
- Master good online teaching
- Basic qualification: didactic and methodical foundations
- Workshops: Consolidate knowledge in specific areas, such as encouraging interaction or presenting with confidence
- Meet your peers: Network with other tutors and peer advising
- Coaching and shadowing: Work with individual resources
Target group
All student tutors and young teaching staff at TU Dresden. This includes tutors of all degree programs, as well as instructors for practicals and internships.
Registration and costs
You can register for individual qualification programs on OPALTo do so, sign up for the courses on the left. The qualifications are free of charge.
Higher Education Didactics Certificate
Completed courses can be recognized as part of the Higher Education Didactics Certificate from the Center for University Didactics in Saxony.
Contact details and information

TUTORING - Qualification for tutors of all study programs
Send encrypted email via the SecureMail portal (for TUD external users only).
Visiting address:
Fritz-Foerster-Bau, 560 Mommsenstr. 6
01069 Dresden
Das Gebäude ist momentan nicht öffentlich zugänglich
Postal address:
TUD Dresden University of Technology
Zentrum für Weiterbildung
Projekt Tutoring
01062 Dresden
Learn and practice academic reading and writing: Looking for motivation and success with your seminar paper, final thesis or other writing assignment? The Writing Center can support you with:
- Writing consultations
- Workshops on academic reading and writing during your studies (some of which may count toward AQUa, studium generale, and supplementary courses qualifications)
- Online information desk with tips and tricks
- Writing events such as the “Write through the night”
An overview of the Writing Center’s services for students:
Accessibility Note: detailed video description to read and have read aloud at

Writing Center of TU Dresden
Send encrypted email via the SecureMail portal (for TUD external users only).
Visiting address:
Fritz-Foerster-Bau, room 571 Mommsenstr. 6
01069 Dresden
Postal address:
TUD Dresden University of Technology
Zentrum für Weiterbildung/Career Service
01062 Dresden
- Information and advice from the TU Dresden StuRa on examination law, especially for student members of university committees.
- Information, especially on the inspection of examination files
As an employed SHK or WHK, you also have access to the TUD's entire continuing education program.
Offers for the interested public
TU Dresden offers all those interested in education the opportunity to take advantage of continuing education and teaching opportunities without being enrolled as a student.
Teachers at schools
In addition to the regular teacher training programs offered, teachers can take advantage of various continuing education programs offered by TUD.
Scope of continuing education programs:
- Professional development courses for various disciplines and teaching methodologies
- Mentoring qualifications
- Qualifications in a third subject or extension subject
- Individual adaptation courses for the recognition of professional qualifications for teachers from other European countries
Please take a look at our continuing education catalog and our services for teachers. The Center for Teacher Education and Educational Research (ZLSB) also provides continuing education for teachers.
- Would you like to register for continuing education in an extension subject / teacher training and have questions about the registration procedure?
- Have you applied for recognition of your professional qualifications for teaching in the Free State of Saxony, only to receive a notice from the Saxon State Office for Schools and Education that you need to provide evidence of additional qualifications?
Please contact the Center for Continuing Education.

Ms Beatrice Schlegel
Scientific Continuing Education
Send encrypted email via the SecureMail portal (for TUD external users only).
Center for Continuing Education
Center for Continuing Education
Visiting address:
Fritz-Foerster-Bau, room 107 Mommsenstr. 6
01069 Dresden
Postal address:
TUD Dresden University of Technology Zentrum für Weiterbildung
01062 Dresden
Office hours:
- Wednesday:
- 14:00 - 15:30
- Friday:
- 10:00 - 11:00
Die Sprechzeiten am 02.04. und am 11.04. entfallen.
All education and training services for teachers are coordinated by the Center for Teacher Education and Educational Research (ZLSB). The ZLSB team will be happy to assist you should you have any questions.

Center for Teacher Education and Educational Research (German abbreviation: ZLSB)
Send encrypted email via the SecureMail portal (for TUD external users only).
Visiting address:
Seminargebäude II, Room 01a Zellescher Weg 20
01217 Dresden
Postal address:
TUD Dresden University of Technology Zentrum für Lehrerbildung, Schul- und Berufsbildungsforschung Sekretariat
01062 Dresden
Guest students
Non-students can attend courses at TU Dresden as guest students. Guest auditor status must be applied for each semester. The application must be submitted to the Center for Continuing Education. Further information on guest auditor status
To arouse curiosity about science, even the youngest pupils from the 1st grade onwards can attend exciting hands-on workshops and target group-oriented lectures at TU Dresden. To the JuniorCampus website
Citizens and senior citizens
TU Dresden offers citizens and senior citizens various opportunities to participate in university educational programs with the Citizens' University and Senior Citizens' Academy. The Dresden Academy of Science and Art for Senior Citizens is a joint educational program of TU Dresden, the art academies and museums of the city of Dresden.
Specialists and managers from business, administration and the education sector
The continuing education courses offered are listed and published in in OPAL according to different subject areas. You can find further education degree programs in the TU Dresden Study Information System (SINS). The entry requirements, type of degree and contact persons are also listed there.