Research projects at the IMB
By using of theoretical methods and computer-assisted procedures the IMB carry out and support the planning, preparation, analysis and interpretation of basic research / clinical reserach projects.
current projects (selection in alphabetical order):
ACRIBIS — Advancing Cardiovascular Risk Identification with Structured Clinical Documentation and Biosignal Derived Phenotypes Synthesis (BMBF)
AMR modeling — Modeling of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) based on surveillance data of acute care hospitals in Saxony (SMS)
AMPEL – Scaling of Clinical AI Support
- CCmodel — Impact of exposure frequency on disease burden of the common cold - a mathematical modeling perspective
- CML-Immune — Dynamic modelling of the immune response in patients with TKI-treated CML
- DigiONE — Digital Infrastructure for Oncology in Europe (EU)
- DMA/NCT — Core Unit for Data Management and Analytics (NCT/DKFZ)
- Dynamics of AML — Mechanisms of leukemic stem cell interaction in AML: insights from complementary mathematical modeling approaches
EyeMatics — „Behandlung“ von Augenerkrankungen mit interoperabler medizinischer Informatik (BMBF)
FAIR4Rare — Begleitende Evaluation des Aufbauprozesses eines offenen Nationalen Registers für Seltene Erkrankungen (Innovationsausschuss beim Gemeinsamen Bundesausschuss)
GeMTeX — Automatische Erschließung medizinischer Texte für die Forschung und Entwicklung einer großen Textsammlung deutschsprachiger, medizinischer Texte aus der Patientenversorgung (BMBF)
HSCorg — Spatial organisation of haematopoietic stem cells
InDiBal — The influence of distribution characteristics and data balancing on classification bias in highly unbalanced data sets
INTERPOLAR — Interventional Polypharmacy - drug interActions - Risks (Medizininformatik-Initiative, BMBF)
- Junior Associations MelBrainSys — Model-based prediction and experimental validation of novel therapeutic interventions for melanoma brain metastases (BMBF)
- Junior Research Group CDS2USE — „Prospektiv-nutzergerechte Gestaltung klinischer Entscheidungsunterstützungssysteme im Kontext personalisierter Medizin“ (Medizininformatik-Initiative, BMBF)
- log-lin-models — Iterative scaling methods for log-linear models expressed using curved exponential families
- Mathematical modeling of illness and treatment dynamics with chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) (TU Dresden, Core funding)
- MiHUBx — ein digitales Ökosystem zur Stärkung von medizinischer Forschung (BMBF)
- MII-MIRACUM — Arbeitsgemeinschaften des Nationalen Steuerungsgremiums (Medizininformatik-Initiative, BMBF)
- MinimaL — Machine-Learning-basierte Algorithmen zur Detektion von Resterkrankung bei Patient*innen mit akuter myeloischer Leukämie (Wilhelm Sander-Stiftung)
- Modellierung der Dynamik der Rekonstitution des Blutes nach Stammzelltransplantation mithilfe einer neutralen Barcode-Markierung für hochauflösende Zellverfolgung (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft)
- PM4Onco — Personalized Medicine for Oncology (BMBF)
- RISK PRINCIPE — RISK Prediction for Risk-stratified INfection Control and PrEvention (BMBF)
- RL4AML — Reinforcement Learning for treatment and prediction in AML patient progression
- SATURN — Smartes Arztportal für Betroffene mit unklarer Erkrankung (BMG)
- SCaDS.AI — "Center for Scalable Data Analytics and Artificial Intelligence" (BMBF)
- Somnolink — Connected sleep data and decision support along the patient path for better care of Obstructive Sleep Apnea (BMBF)
- spat-cog — Spatial cognition in the context of neurodegenerative diseases
- SPIZ — Sektorenübergreifende Versorgung von Patient*innen mit hämatologischen Erkrankungen nach innovativer Zelltherapie (Mittel des Innovationsausschusses beim Gemeinsamen Bundesausschuss)
- TKI-Reduct — Mathematical modelling of TKI dose reduction
- TKI-Stop — Predicting the risk of relapse after discontinuation of therapy for chronic myeloid leukaemia (CML)
- Transmembrane receptors in focal adhesions — Identification of therapy resistance mechanisms and their deactivation in combination with radiochemotherapy (Deutsche Krebshilfe e.V.)
- trialGPT — an assistance system to foster the design of clinical trials
- TTE-models — Specific consideration of delays in parametric time-to-event (survival) models
finished projects (selection):
- ABIDE_MI — "Aligning Biobanking and DIC Efficiently" (BMBF)
- 4D analysis of haematopoietic stem cell-niche-interactions in vivo, in vitro, in silico (HFSP)
- Analyse komplexer, bildbasierter Datenstrukturen in den Lebenswissenschaften (TU Dresden, Support-the-best)
- Analysis within structural variations by means of NGS (TU Dresden, Core funding)
- Analysis of cell migration patterns in the zebrafish embryo (TU Dresden, Core funding)
- BIDA-SE - Einsatzmöglichkeiten und klinischer Nutzen von Big Data Anwendungen im Kontext seltener Erkrankungen (BMG)
- CHOICE — Characterization of the osteo-hematopoietic niche during malignant evolution (DKTK)
- Clonality of hematopoietic reconstitution: old versus young grafts in elderly recipients - lessons from mouse (Jackstädt Stiftung)
- Computational Virology (TU Dresden, Core funding)
- Control-T — Mathematical modeling of homeostasis and oncogenesis in mature T cells (DFG, Research group FOR1961)
- CORD-MI — „Zusammenarbeit für Menschen mit Seltenen Erkrankungen“ (Medizininformatik-Initiative, BMBF)
- DISPENSE - Dresdner InformationS Prognosetool bEttenauslastung iN SachsEn (Freistaat Sachsen)
- EuroSyStem — European Consortium for Systematic Stem Cell Biology (EU FP 7)
- ERANET-PLL — Implementation of (epi)genetic and metabolic networks in the targeting of T-cell prolymphocytic leukemia (BMBF, EU)
- GliOmics — Integrative analysis of glioma omics data (TU Dresden (Core funding), National Center for Tumor Diseases (NCT) Dresden, Else Kröner Graduate School)
- HaematoOPT — Model-based optimization and individualization of treatment strategies in hematology (BMBF, e:Med Demonstratoren)
- HaematoSys — Systems Biology of Haematopoetic Systems and related Neoplasias (BMBF)
- Hybrid-QI — Hybride Qualitätsindikatoren mittels Machine Learning-Methoden (Mittel des Innovationsausschusses beim Gemeinsamen Bundesausschuss)
- Mathematical modeling of the differentiation of iPS-cells (TU Dresden, Core funding)
- Mathematical Modelling of Stem Cell / Niche Interactions (TU Dresden, Core funding)
- Mathematical modeling of individual clone dynamics for genetically modified stem cells within the hematopoetic system (DFG, Priority programme SPP1230/2)
- MeDDrive-Grant — Vorhersage der Rückfallwahrscheinlichkeit bei Patienten mit akuter myeloischer Leukämie (AML) mithilfe von Computersimulationen und Deep Learning (Medizinische Fakultät der TU Dresden, Haushaltsfinanziert)
- MEDiC — Modellstudiengang Medizin (Bund, Freistaat Sachsen)
- MelanOmics — Integrative analysis of omics data of melanoma metastases (National Center for Tumor Diseases (NCT) Dresden)
- MelBrainNet — Identification and validation of proteins and signaling pathways associated with therapy resistance of melanoma brain metastases (Translational Research Grant in Precision Oncology, NCT)
- MessAge — Medical systems biology of ageing haematopoiesis: clonality, age-associated alterations, and related diseases (BMBF, e:Bio)
- MIRACUM (medical informatics initiative, BMBF)
Model-based analysis of spatio-temporal heterogeneity of mouse embrynic stem cells with respect to its functional role in regulating pluripotency (DFG, Priority programme SPP1356/2)
Modeling the reconstitution dynamics of hematopoiesis after stem cell transplantation using neutral multicolor barcode marking for high-resolution cell tracking (DFG)
PANOS – ParkinsonNetzwerk Ostsachsen - Digitalisierte, sektorübergreifende integrierte Versorgung von Parkinsonpatienten in Ostsachsen (BMG)
prediCt — Mathematical modelling of TKI effects and immune response to predict patient-specific treatment dynamics in CML (BMBF, EU)
PROSPER — Plattform for Operation Scheduling and Prediction using machine learning (Freistaat Sachsen)
- Quantitative Analysen und Modellierung zur Klonalität der Entstehung und des Rezidivs akuter und chronischer Leukämien im Maussystem durch Einzelzell-Barcoding (Deutsche Krebshilfe e.V.)
- SyTASC — Systems-based Therapy of AML Stem Cells (Deutsche Krebshilfe e.V.)
- Teleschlafmedizin (EFRE)
- VBTKR — Value Based Total Knee Replacement (Mittel des Innovationsfonds zur Förderung von Versorgungsforschung, G-BA)