Degree programs
Table of contents
Studying at the School of Civil and Environmental Engineering will introduce you to a variety of topics with very interesting and crucial interdisciplinary links. You can expect a solid education, in which we will help prepare you for your future career. Have a look at our catalogue of degree programs here, or contact us for advice.
Architecture and Landscape

© Raumgestaltung

© inst. AL

© Cornelia Grohmann
Architects create living spaces. Starting from the core activity of designing, we synthesise, contextualise and shape complex spatial solutions. In the field of tension between preserving and transforming the built environment, the study of architecture goes far beyond the design of individual buildings and structural facilities and also encompasses urban development as well as city and spatial planning. Teaching and research are oriented beyond basic teaching and research, particularly to the global challenges of the 21st century. The programme is divided into basic and advanced studies over a total of 11 semesters. Optionally, in-depth studies on special building planning, urban and spatial planning as well as monument preservation can be undertaken.
On the website of the Faculty of Architecture and Landscape you can find detailed information about the Architecture Diplom degree program, including information on the degree program’s objectives, courses and lecture times, as well as on career prospects.
The central Study Information System (SINS) also contains information such as admission requirements, fixed application deadlines and a link to apply.
The Bachelor's degree programme teaches basic scientific, planning and design knowledge and skills. The six-semester Bachelor's programme in Landscape Architecture imparts knowledge of essential ecological, social and urban planning factors and their interaction in landscape and open space, as well as the ability to record and assess the existing landscape and open space in a targeted manner using scientific and planning methods. Furthermore, students are trained to use their knowledge of essential historical, legal, technical and constructional principles on different spatial levels to solve landscape architectural tasks.
On the website of the Faculty of Architecture and Landscape, you can find detailed information about the Landscape Architecture Bachelor’s degree program, including information on the degree program’s objectives, courses and lecture times, as well as on career prospects.
The central Study Information System (SINS) also contains information such as admission requirements, fixed application deadlines and a link to apply.
The Master's programme prepares students to work as independent landscape architects, to work in research and development, and to take on leadership positions in the management and administration of public and private open spaces. The four-semester research-oriented consecutive Master's programme in Landscape Architecture provides in-depth knowledge of the ability to design and develop open spaces and landscapes at various spatial levels and qualifies students to work independently and responsibly in planning, design and science. The study programme teaches complex ecological, social and urban planning contexts and their impact on landscape and open space.
On the website of the Faculty of Architecture and Landscape you can find detailed information about the Landscape Architecture Master’s degree program, including information on the degree program’s objectives, courses and lecture times, as well as on career prospects.
The central Study Information System (SINS) also contains information such as admission requirements, fixed application deadlines and a link to apply.
Together with the École Nationale Supérieure d'Architecture de Strasbourg (ENSAS), the Faculty of Architecture and Landscape offers a German-French double degree in architecture, which is sponsored by the German-French University (DFH). 50% of the coursework in the main subject must be completed at the partner university. The studies at the ENSAS take place in the 7th and 8th semester; study and examination achievements there are credited at the TU Dresden. The programme also includes an office internship of several months in France or a French-speaking country.
On the website of the Faculty of Architecture and Landscape you can find detailed information about the German-French double degree in Architecture, including information on the degree program’s objectives, courses and lecture times, as well as on career prospects.
Civil Engineering

© André Terpe

© André Terpe

© André Terpe
Civil Engineers shape and preserve our living spaces. The focus of their activities and research are geared in particular toward the global challenges of our time – resource shortages, climate change, digitalization and mobility. The degree program is split into basic studies and a major course of study, comprising a total of 10 semesters. In the 4th semester, students choose one of six possible specializations.
On the Faculty of Civil Engineering’s website, you can find detailed information about the Civil Engineering Diplom degree program, including information on the degree program’s objectives, courses and lecture times, as well as on career prospects.
The central Study Information System (SINS) also contains information such as admission requirements, fixed application deadlines and a link to apply.
Distance learning may be of interest to those who have already begun their careers. Every student is free to create their own schedule. They can design the order and duration of their studies as fits their needs and previous knowledge.
On the Faculty of Civil Engineering’s website, you can find detailed information about the Civil Engineering Distance Learning Bachelor’s degree program, including information on the degree program’s objectives, courses and lecture times, as well as on career prospects.
The central Study Information System (SINS) also contains information such as admission requirements, fixed application deadlines and a link to apply.
Postgraduate studies are suited to those who have obtained a first qualifying university degree recognized in Germany or a qualification from an officially recognized vocational academy in Civil Engineering. The standard period of study is 4 semesters, including the alloted time to complete the project and Diplom thesis. Students who complete their postgraduate studies graduate with the academic degree of Diplom-Ingeneur (Diplom Engineer; Dipl.-Ing.).
On the Faculty of Civil Engineering’s website, you can find detailed information about the Economics and Engineering postgraduate studies Diplom degree program, including information on the degree program’s objectives, courses and lecture times, as well as on career prospects.
The central Study Information System (SINS) also contains information such as admission requirements, fixed application deadlines and a link to apply.
The Faculty of Civil Engineering offers postgraduate studies to those who have obtained a first qualifying university degree recognized in Germany or a qualification from an officially recognized vocational academy in Civil Engineering. The standard period of study in this part-time distance learning program is 8 semesters, including the alloted time to complete the project and Diplom thesis. There is a limit to the time needed to complete these studies, but there is no minimum time required. Prospective students should expect to set aside about 20 hours of independent study a week. Students who complete their postgraduate studies graduate with the academic degree of Diplom-Ingeneur (Diplom Engineer; Dipl.-Ing.).
On the Faculty of Civil Engineering’s website, you can find detailed information about the Economics and Engineering postgraduate studies degree program (Diplom, distance learning), including information on the degree program’s objectives, courses and lecture times, as well as on career prospects.
The central Study Information System (SINS) also contains information such as admission requirements, fixed application deadlines and a link to apply.
ACCESS is an English-language Master’s degree program which imparts in-depth knowledge of innovative computer-aided methods for the modeling, drafting, analysis and strengthening of structures in civil engineering. It is geared towards people who already have a university degree. Applicants should already have solid computational skills.
On the Faculty of Civil Engineering’s website, you can find detailed information about the ACCESS Master’s degree program, including information on the degree program’s objectives, courses and lecture times, as well as on career prospects.
The central Study Information System (SINS) also contains information such as admission requirements, fixed application deadlines and a link to apply.
The Master's programme in Water Security and Global Change is an international, English-language course that encompasses the themes of water security and global change. This joint Master’s programme (Joint Degree) integrates the expertise of three partner universities (RWTH Aachen, IIT Madras, TU Dresden) and is developed and conducted in collaboration with two additional partners (UNU Flores and AIT Bangkok). The programme promotes student mobility between the three universities. All enrolled students begin the academic year at IIT Madras for approximately 8 months, followed by 5 months at TU Dresden, and concluding with 5 months at RWTH Aachen. The Master's thesis is conducted at one of the mentioned locations for 5 months. Courses are generally offered in a hybrid format.
This Master's programme is research-oriented and focuses on the planning, construction, and operation of water management and hydraulic engineering infrastructure, particularly for adaptation to climate change-related extreme events in inland and coastal areas. Additionally, the programme covers physico-chemical, data-analytical, and hydrological principles, as well as the modeling of complex material flows in water-related systems. The curriculum includes national and international guidelines and the development of water policy and social requirements. Other content includes practice-oriented case studies and current topics from both basic and application-oriented research. The programme provides a combination of theoretical and methodological-practical foundations in the context of water security in global change.
More information you can find here: and shortly on the website of the Faculty of Civil Engineering including information on the degree program’s objectives, courses and lecture times, as well as on career prospects.
The central Study Information System (SINS) also contains information such as admission requirements, fixed application deadlines and a link to apply.
Environmental Sciences – Forest Sciences



The Forest Sciences degree program prepares graduates for a career with a broad range of tasks and great responsibility: the conservation, protection, care and use of forests, which are considered the most important part of our natural environment and are the source of the renewable resource wood, and which serve to purify the air, protect the soil as well as species and their habitats, provide drinking water and increasingly act as a place of respite for people.
On the Department of Forest Sciences’ website, you can find detailed information about the Forest Sciences Bachelor’s degree program, including information on the degree program’s objectives, courses and lecture times, as well as on career prospects.
The central Study Information System (SINS) also contains information such as admission requirements, fixed application deadlines and a link to apply.
The forest and all of its features are the focus of the Forest Sciences Master’s degree program. Fundamental knowledge can be applied and consolidated in multi-faceted modules and the specializations that students can choose based on their own individual interests.
The goal is to impart students with methodological tools and expert knowledge based on current research topics.
On the Department of Forest Sciences’ website, you can find detailed information about the Forest Sciences Master’s degree program, including information on the degree program’s objectives, courses and lecture times, as well as on career prospects.
The central Study Information System (SINS) also contains information such as admission requirements, fixed application deadlines and a link to apply.
This degree program serves to train managerial staff to develop knowledge-based, innovative and sustainable management strategies for natural forests, forest plantations and other types of forest as well as agroforestry systems and urban green spaces, including the control of their use and care.
Special attention is dedicated to the flexible adaptation to changing social conditions and the manifold interactions between people and the development of different types of forest on the basis of a multidisciplinary approach.
On the Department of Forest Sciences’ website, you can find detailed information about the Tropical Forestry Master’s degree program, including information on the degree program’s objectives, courses and lecture times, as well as on career prospects.
The central Study Information System (SINS) also contains information such as admission requirements, fixed application deadlines and a link to apply.
The Wood Science and Technology Master’s degree program is a rigorous, application-oriented interdisciplinary degree program. It is jointly offered by the Faculty of Environmental Sciences and the Faculty of Mechanical Science and Engineering. Students gain the required specialist knowledge, skills and methods that will enable them to critically classify scientific findings and to work autonomously in the field of wood science and technology.
On the Department of Forest Sciences’ website, you can find detailed information about the Wood Science and Technology Master’s degree program, including information on the degree program’s objectives, courses and lecture times, as well as on career prospects.
The central Study Information System (SINS) also contains information such as admission requirements, fixed application deadlines and a link to apply.
Environmental Sciences – Geosciences

© Prof. Anna Cord

© Michael Kretzschmar

© Judith Miggelbrink
Geodesy entails measuring and mapping the earth locally, regionally and globally. Geodata has become indispensable in today’s world. From satellite navigation systems and construction site surveying to complex building structure surveillance and modern city planning to climate change – geodesists and geoinformation experts are in high demand.
On the Department of Geosciences’ website, you can find detailed information about the Geodesy and Geoinformation Bachelor’s degree program, including information on the degree program’s objectives, courses and lecture times, as well as on career prospects.
The central Study Information System (SINS) also contains information such as admission requirements, fixed application deadlines and a link to apply.
Geographers’ work is concerned with spatial structures and processes in environment and society. A special feature and strength of Dresden’s Geography degree program is the combination of natural sciences and humanities in research and teaching. The objectives of the degree program are to enable integrative and interdisciplinary work as well as subject-specific methodology in order to understand the natural components and structures of the landscape as well as the relationships between society and our surroundings.
The central Study Information System (SINS) also contains information such as admission requirements, fixed application deadlines and a link to apply.
Building on broad fundamental knowledge of engineering and geodesy from a previous, relevant Bachelor’s degree program, students in this Master’s degree program will acquire consolidated, concentrated and research-oriented knowledge in the field of geodesy and its applications. The curriculum covers both academic and practical material relevant for the real world. Students will adopt methodological knowledge and analytical skills as well as specialist expertise oriented towards current geodetic research and practice.
On the Department of Geosciences’ website, you can find detailed information about the Geodesy Master’s degree program, including information on the degree program’s objectives, courses and lecture times, as well as on career prospects.
The central Study Information System (SINS) also contains information such as admission requirements, fixed application deadlines and a link to apply.
Geoinformatics forms the scientific foundation for navigation systems, geoinformation systems, spatial data infrastructure and other systems for spatial decision-making support and planning. It provides the technological basis for improving system understanding and for solving spatial issues relating to current topics such as climate change and sustainable management of natural resources at the local, regional and global level. Students in the Geoinformation Technologies Master’s degree program will acquire skills in developing and executing scientific and technological methods in geoinformatics. Geoinformatics is a subfield of applied computer science which focuses on the spatial bearing of data and finding answers to spatial questions. The goal is to develop and apply methods of computing to solve subject-specific issues in the geosciences, forest sciences and hydrosciences as well as in landscape, environmental and infrastructural planning, environmental medicine and other related disciplines.
The central Study Information System (SINS) also contains information such as admission requirements, fixed application deadlines and a link to apply.
Graduates of the research-oriented Master's degree program in Geography are able to use suitable methods to describe, explain and interpret spatial structures and processes at different scales and in different spatial contexts. An integration area at the beginning of the degree course, which focuses on inter- and transdisciplinary skills at the interface between environmental and social sciences, is supplemented by the two alternative specializations "Urban and Regional Development" and "Environmental Change". Methodological skills are deepened in both specializations.
On the website of the Department of Geosciences you can find detailed information on the Master's degree program in Geography, e.g. on the objectives of the program, on courses and timetables, but also on career prospects.
In the central study information system (SINS) you will find further important conditions for the degree program, such as study requirements, the binding application deadlines and the link to the application.
ATTENTION: this Master's degree course is currently suspended and is being restructured
Spatial Development and Natural Resource Management is an interdisciplinary, research-oriented Master’s degree program with a high degree of practical application. This four-semester program centers on the current challenges we as a society face at the intersection of environmental sciences and spatial planning. A number of opportunities for developing bespoke specializations beyond fixed core courses are made possible by the comprehensive and equitable interlinking of all three Departments of the Faculty of Environmental Sciences (Forest Sciences, Geosciences and Hydrosciences), other Faculties at TU Dresden and leading extramural institutions, in particular the Leibniz Institute for Ecological Urban and Regional Development.
On the Faculty of Environmental Sciences' website, you can find detailed information about the Spatial Development and Natural Resource Management Master’s degree program, including information on the degree program’s objectives, courses and lecture times, as well as on career prospects.
The central Study Information System (SINS) also contains information such as admission requirements, fixed application deadlines and a link to apply.
Cartography M.Sc. is a four semester Master of Science programme conducted in cooperation between TU Munich, TU Vienna, TU Dresden and the University of Twente. It focusses on a broad education in cartography and geoinformatics. The programme, which is completely taught in English, starts every year in winter semester and enrols up to 25 students from all over the world.Website:
The programme website provides detailed information on the Master's programme in Cartography, e.g. on the objectives of the programme, on courses and timetables, but also on career prospects.
In the central study information system (SINS) you will find further important conditions for the degree programme, such as study requirements, the binding application deadlines and the link to the application.
Students of the Teacher Training in Geography for Middle Schools and Secondary Schools degree program learn both subject-specific and didactic content. The program comprises methods with a focus on theory, research and application (in the classroom and the field of education in general). This future-oriented education in geography introduces and reflects on complex and controversial topics at the intersection of natural sciences and public health from various perspectives and transposes this to learning opportunities. The degree program provides subject-specific and didactic foundations and consolidation opportunities for designing such learning opportunities, for instance in the areas of education for sustainable development, digitalization and extracurricular learning.
The central Study Information System (SINS) also contains information such as admission requirements, fixed application deadlines and a link to apply for Teaching Geography at Middle Schools or Teaching Geography at Secondary Schools.
Environmental Sciences – Hydrosciences

© Institut für Hydrologie und Meteorologie

© Institut für Hydrologie und Meteorologie

© Institut für Siedlungs- und Industriewasserwirtschaft
The research, collection, distribution and purification of water for consumption and as a resource is one of the most fundamental technical and social achievements. The degree program in Hydrosciences imparts knowledge of natural sciences and engineering as well as the practical skills needed for working in this area. This includes the quantification of physical, chemical and biological components in hydrosystems as well as the technical engineering mastery of water collection, use and treatment as well as wastewater treatment having regard to the restraints of society and economy – especially against the backdrop of climate change.
On the Department of Hydrosciences Sciences’ website, you can find detailed information about the Hydrosciences Bachelor’s degree program, including information on the degree program’s objectives, courses and lecture times, as well as on career prospects.
The central Study Information System (SINS) also contains information such as admission requirements, fixed application deadlines and a link to apply.
Water is the basis of all life. It can be found all over the earth and is constantly in motion. However, global population growth, environmental destruction, climate change and extreme weather events as well as pollution are having an increasing negative impact on the regional availability and quality of this resource. In order to combat these adverse effects, students in the Hydrology degree program learn about the development and professional use of application-oriented, innovative solution strategies for sustainable management of natural water resources and how to handle extreme weather events such as flooding and drought.
On the Department of Hydrosciences’ website, you can find detailed information about the Hydrology Master’s degree program, including information on the degree program’s objectives, courses and lecture times, as well as on career prospects.
The central Study Information System (SINS) also contains information such as admission requirements, fixed application deadlines and a link to apply.
Hydrobiology focuses on living organisms in bodies of water and the interrelation of these organisms with each other and their environment. Hydrobiologists observe, analyze and model processes in all forms of living aquatic systems – in lakes and reservoirs, in groundwater, in streams and rivers as well as in treatment plants.
On the Department of Hydrosciences’ website, you can find detailed information about the Hydrobiology Master’s degree program, including information on the degree program’s objectives, courses and lecture times, as well as on career prospects.
The central Study Information System (SINS) also contains information such as admission requirements, fixed application deadlines and a link to apply.
Water management seeks to respond to the demands of the ever more urgent multiple and circular use of water and its contents by researching the volume and quantity of water necessary for various uses. This includes scientific, process-engineering and structural development tasks under consideration of natural environmental conditions. To a large degree, water management is responsible for the vital development of the population, industry and agriculture. Handling the tasks arising from these issues requires mastery of the management of aboveground and underground water, treatment of drinking and process water, water management supply and disposal grids, settlement hydrology and municipal and industrial wastewater treatment.
On the Department of Hydrosciences’ website, you can find detailed information about the Water Management Master’s degree program, including information on the degree program’s objectives, courses and lecture times, as well as on career prospects.
The central Study Information System (SINS) also contains information such as admission requirements, fixed application deadlines and a link to apply.
The Waste Management and Contaminated Site Treatment Master’s degree program teaches students about sustainable methods for handling (secondary) raw materials and resources as well as technologies for environmental pollution prevention and climate protection. Students graduate as environmental engineers who can apply the concepts and technologies of waste management and circular economy as well as contaminated site treatment. They are therefore in a position to contribute to the transformation toward a sustainable society in keeping with the European Green Deal.
On the Department of Hydrosciences’ website, you can find detailed information about the Waste Management and Contaminated Site Treatment Master’s degree program, including information on the degree program’s objectives, courses and lecture times, as well as on career prospects.
The central Study Information System (SINS) also contains information such as admission requirements, fixed application deadlines and a link to apply.
Hydro Science and Engineering (HSE) is a full-time, English-language international two-year Master’s degree program combining all fields of water management from engineering to natural and environmental sciences. Water Sciences and Hydro Engineering and the cooperation between scientists and engineers have a long tradition in Dresden (including the first large modern waste-water plant from 1912). Various funding opportunities are available to students, for instance via the DAAD EPOS Program.
On the Department of Hydro Sciences’ website, you can find detailed information on the Hydro Science and Engineering Master’s degree program, including information on the degree program’s objectives, courses and lecture times, as well as on career prospects.
The central Study Information System (SINS) also contains information such as admission requirements, fixed application deadlines and a link to apply.
Transport and Traffic Sciences

© Benjamin Jenak, TUD

© Benjamin Jenak, TUD

© Benjamin Jenak, TUD
Digitalization, automation and climate protection present great challenges for the transportation sector. To surmount these challenges, this degree program imparts the necessary engineering knowledge for graduates to be able to plan, calculate and design complex, interconnected and innovative transportation systems. Furthermore, students learn how the individual disciplines of the transport and traffic sciences interact and what relationships there are with neighboring disciplines such as computer science and electrical, civil and mechanical engineering.
On the Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences’ website, you can find detailed information about the Transport Engineering Diplom degree program, including information on the degree program’s objectives, courses and lecture times, as well as on career prospects.
The central Study Information System (SINS) also contains information such as admission requirements, fixed application deadlines and a link to apply.
It is essential to enable mobility to as many people for the lowest cost possible despite resource scarcity and climate protection efforts. The core of the degree program is business and economic knowledge for working on and solving issues of transport and traffic science. Graduates have the ability to make decisions on the economic, political and social levels.
On the Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences’ website, you can find detailed information about the Transport Economics Bachelor’s degree program, including information on the degree program’s objectives, courses and lecture times, as well as on career prospects.
The central Study Information System (SINS) also contains information such as admission requirements, fixed application deadlines and a link to apply.
The transportation industry needs experts that can use analytic methods, data analysis, programming and modeling to prepare and take future-oriented decisions. This degree program relies on fundamental knowledge of economics and business administration as well as quantitative methods (mathematics, statistics, econometrics) to prepare students to become these experts. It combines knowledge of traffic and transportation with economic methods.
On the Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences’ website, you can find detailed information about the Transportation Economics Master's degree program, including information on the degree program’s objectives, courses and lecture times, as well as on career prospects.
The central Study Information System (SINS) also contains information such as admission requirements, fixed application deadlines and a link to apply.
The endeavor to discourage road traffic and increase rail traffic means that demand for engineers in the rail industry is high. Students enrolled in this degree program acquire the necessary knowledge in engineering and traffic science to understand the complexity of the railroad system and help design it for the future. The Master’s program comprises all aspects of railway engineering, from infrastructure and railroad construction to safety technology and telematics to operation and public transportation.
On the Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences’ website, you can find detailed information about the Railway System Engineering Master’s degree program, including information on the degree program’s objectives, courses and lecture times, as well as on career prospects.
The central Study Information System (SINS) also contains information such as admission requirements, fixed application deadlines and a link to apply.
Growing globalization has meant increased importance of air transport in terms of passenger and freight transport. This degree program combines the operations and planning aspects of air transport with logistics and transport system theory. Through a balance of theory and application, students acquire varied technical, operative, logistical, economic and legal knowledge. Graduates are thus prepared for today’s requirements and future challenges of the aviation industry and are qualified for a range of careers.
On the Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences’ website, you can find detailed information about the Air Transport and Logistics Master’s degree program, including information on the degree program’s objectives, courses and lecture times, as well as on career prospects.
The central Study Information System (SINS) also contains information such as admission requirements, fixed application deadlines and a link to apply.
In response to the shift from conventional to electric drives, engineers are in high demand worldwide in the area of electrical transportation. The degree program comprises information about about the structure, functionality and fields of application of electric-powered transportation across all modes of transport. The subsystems of power supply and vehicles will be highlighted to the same degree as the peculiarities and challenges of mobile applications. In addition to general engineering methods, the program covers electric-powered transportation as well as project management and transportation company management.
On the Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences’ website, you can find detailed information about the Electrical Transportation Master’s degree program, including information on the degree program’s objectives, courses and lecture times, as well as on career prospects.
The central Study Information System (SINS) also contains information such as admission requirements, fixed application deadlines and a link to apply.
Business and Economics

© Klaus Gigga

© Klaus Gigga

© Klaus Gigga
The Diplom program in Industrial Engineering and Management stands out for its interdisciplinarity. The comprehensive skills you acquire in business administration, economics, and engineering enable you to grasp interrelated technical and economic issues and solve problems at the interface of business administration, natural science, and technology. Opportunities to specialize according to your individual preferences are second to none.
On the website of the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics you will find detailed information on the Industrial Engineering and Management degree program, e.g. on the objectives of the program, on courses and timetables, but also on career prospects.
In the central study information system (SINS) you will find further important conditions for the degree program, such as study requirements, the binding application deadlines and the link to the application.
In Business Information Systems, you will study the interface between business and information technology, focusing on how business and administration can design and use information and communication systems. To this end, you will receive broad basic knowledge in business administration and economics, business information systems, computer science, and methods. Building on this, you will deepen your individual interests in a broad-based elective area, enabling you to assess interdisciplinary problems and develop appropriate solutions.
On the Faculty of Business and Economics’ website, you can find detailed information about the Business Information Systems Diplom degree program, including information on the degree program’s objectives, courses and lecture times, as well as on career prospects.
The central Study Information System (SINS) also contains information such as admission requirements, fixed application deadlines and a link to apply.
The Bachelor's degree program in Business Administration and Economics teaches you the fundamentals of economic analysis and thinking. You receive basic insights in issues and problems in business administration and economics and acquire the methodological skills necessary to analyze them. Building on this, you can specialize your studies in many ways and look into topics of business administration, economics, both fields, or other related subjects - just according to your interests!
On the Faculty of Business and Economics’ website, you can find detailed information about the Business Administration and Economics Bachelor’s degree program, including information on the degree program’s objectives, courses and lecture times, as well as on career prospects.
The central Study Information System (SINS) also contains information such as admission requirements, fixed application deadlines and a link to apply.
In the Bachelor of Business Education and Management Training, you study how to sustainably communicate business and economics issues to different target groups. In addition to business administration and economics, you will also learn educational science and psychology to identify and scientifically analyze economic and pedagogical problems. Two study tracks are available: the economics-focused Study Track I and Study Track II, with a general education qualification track preparing for teaching at schools.
On the Faculty of Business and Economics’ website, you can find detailed information about the Business Education and Management Training Bachelor’s degree program, including information on the degree program’s objectives, courses and lecture times, as well as on career prospects.
The central Study Information System (SINS) also contains information such as admission requirements, fixed application deadlines and a link to apply.
The Master's in Business Administration provides a sound research-oriented management education. You will acquire the methodological and content-related skills to analyze and develop solutions for complex business management problems. A wide range of topics awaits you to delve into according to your interests.
On the Faculty of Business and Economics’ website, you can find detailed information about the Business Administration Master’s degree program, including information on the degree program’s objectives, courses and lecture times, as well as on career prospects.
The central Study Information System (SINS) also contains information such as admission requirements, fixed application deadlines and a link to apply.
The Master's degree program in Business Education and Management Training concerns communicating business and economics content to various target groups. The program's structure allows you to stress your own areas of interest. You can specialize in business education, business administration, economics, or other disciplines and choose between two study tracks oriented to business and economics or the teaching profession.
On the Faculty of Business and Economics’ website, you can find detailed information about the Business Education and Management Training Master’s degree program, including information on the degree program’s objectives, courses and lecture times, as well as on career prospects.
The central Study Information System (SINS) also contains information such as admission requirements, fixed application deadlines and a link to apply.
In the Master's degree program in Public and International Economics, you will deal with the pressing economic challenges of our time. Most of them, such as climate change, financial crises, disruptions in commodity markets and income inequality, are transnational in nature. Tackling them requires a sound understanding of economic policy measures at national and international level, including their interdependencies and the possibilities and limits of transnational cooperation. This is exactly what you will learn in this degree program, enabling you to analyze economic policy problems in a globalized world using modern empirical and theoretical methods and develop proposals for solutions.
On the website of the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics you will find detailed information on the Master's degree program in Public and International Economics, e.g. on the objectives of the degree program, on courses and timetables, but also on career prospects.
In the central study information system (SINS) you will find further important conditions for the degree program, such as study requirements, the binding application deadlines and the link to the application.
International Institute (IHI Zittau)

© TUD, Amac Garbe

© TUD, Amac Garbe

© TUD, Amac Garbe
The cooperative Master’s degree program shared by Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences (HSZG) features specializations in Biotechnology and Biodiversity and Nature Conservation. The goal is to prepare experts who can work internationally in biotechnology research and production, preventive and reactionary care of the environment as well as biodiversity research and nature conservation. The main focus is on the foundations of practical microbiology and biotechnology as well as ecology and ecosystems. The languages of instruction are German and English.
On the International Institute (IHI) Zittau’s website, you can find detailed information about the Biotechnology and Applied Ecology Master’s degree program, including information on the degree program’s objectives, courses and lecture times, as well as on career prospects.
The central Study Information System (SINS) also contains information such as admission requirements, fixed application deadlines and a link to apply.
This Master’s degree program holistically qualifies students for management responsibility with regard to economic, social and environmental criteria. Students attain sound familiarity with the role companies play in society as well as a critical basic understanding of the extent of their responsibility in corporate action. At the end of their studies, students are also knowledgeable in select central functions of management, especially strategic planning, organization, corporate governance, and personnel management. The languages of instruction are German and English.
On the International Institute (IHI) Zittau’s website, you can find detailed information about the Business Ethics and Responsible Management Master’s degree program, including information on the degree program’s objectives, courses and lecture times, as well as on career prospects.
The central Study Information System (SINS) also contains information such as admission requirements, fixed application deadlines and a link to apply.
The English-language, highly international Master’s degree program provides knowledge and methods for analyzing urgent environmental issues and for developing socially relevant approaches to finding solutions. One particular focus is on the interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary approaches from the realm of natural and social sciences for protecting and sustainably utilizing biodiversity as well as the provision of ecosystem services for the current and future generations. Students can also take advantage of programs and courses offered by the Faculty of Environmental Sciences and the Senckenberg Museum of Natural History Görlitz.
On the International Institute (IHI) Zittau’s website, you can find detailed information about the Ecosystem Services Master’s degree program, including information on the degree program’s objectives, courses and lecture times, as well as on career prospects.
The central Study Information System (SINS) also contains information such as admission requirements, fixed application deadlines and a link to apply.
In addition to teaching about conventional topics in business and management, this degree program offered in cooperation with Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences primarily focuses on the particularities of international corporate activity, foreign language proficiency and intercultural competency. Students can also earn a double degree via stays abroad at our partner universities in Central and Eastern Europe, in particular by selecting specific modules at the nearby TU Liberec. The languages of instruction are English and German.
On the International Institute (IHI) Zittau’s website, you can find detailed information about the International Management Master’s degree program, including information on the degree program’s objectives, courses and lecture times, as well as on career prospects.
The central Study Information System (SINS) also contains information such as admission requirements, fixed application deadlines and a link to apply.
The English-language degree program is offered in cooperation with the Senckenberg Museum of Natural History Görlitz. It teaches students about the evolution of biodiversity and its documentation in collections as well as approaches in molecular biology in three courses of specialization: Diversity and Natural History Collections, Evolution of Functional Biodiversity, and Molecular Biodiversity. Modern organismic and molecular methods of biodiversity research are at the core of the program and are consolidated within the scope of an independent study project.
On the International Institute (IHI) Zittau’s website, you can find detailed information about the Organismic and Molecular Biodiversity Master’s degree program, including information on the degree program’s objectives, courses and lecture times, as well as on career prospects.
The central Study Information System (SINS) also contains information such as admission requirements, fixed application deadlines and a link to apply.
TU Dresden’s central advice services
- ServiceCenterStudies (questions about application, enrollment, studies)
- Central Student Information and Counseling Service (questions about degree program selection)
- International Office (advice for international applicants)
- Campus Office Uni mit Kind (advice on balancing studies with work and family, studying when you have a child)
- Student Union (Studentenwerk) (advice on dormitories, financing your studies, canteen overview and menus)
- Interest group for studying with a disability (questions about studying with a disability or chronic illness)
- Student Council (advice from students for students)
- Career Service (advice on starting your career)
- Psychosocial Counseling Office
- Mutterschutz
- Complaint management for Teaching and Learning
- Studieren mit Beeinträchtigung