A - Z (english)
Chemistry studies: Bachelor’s degree program, Master’s degree program
Company index chemicals and glassware
Computeranwendungen (Modul FQ/AQ)
Contacting person: IT, databases, locking system
Data network
Data protection officer
Data security (backup)
Data synchronization with mobile devices
Database course (Modul FQ/AQ)
Databases (subject databases)
Dean’s Office
Degree courses
Digital signature
Diploma study program "Food Chemistry"
Directorate of TUD
Disposal of chemicals
DNS (Domain Name Service)
Early-warning mechanism
Electrical workshop
Email, Migration to Exchange
Emergency call: 112 and 20000
Employee network
Enrollment: Selma Opal
Equal Opportunities Officer
Examination Boards
Examination Office
Examination registration (selma)
Examination regulations
Exchange (Webmail OWA)
Office hours: pool supervisor, Doctoral Office, Examination Office, Chemical-ware store, glassware store, glass blower
Office software: MS-Landesvertrag, MS Office 365 Pro Plus,
ChemOffice, LibreOffice, PC pool, pool supervisor, Equal Opportunities Officer
Operating systems of the Microsoft (Imagine)
Ordering the chemicals and glassware
Orientation platform research and praxis